Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Chris O’Donnell screams like a girl!
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[ # ] Chris O’Donnell screams like a girl!
August 14th, 2014 under CBS

Chris O’Donnell is one of the umpteenth celebrities to take part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and he is the only one I have heard scream like a little girl. Who would’ve thought that that sound could come out of him? He plays such a masculine character on NCIS: LA, which is back on CBS, Monday (its new night) September 29th; you’d never think his voice could get so high. But I guess that is how real men sound when they take a much needed ice cold shower. And his was literally ice cold.
Chris challenged his co-stars to take part in the challenge too, so I wonder how cool LL Cool J will be when dumps a bucket of cool ice on his head. Knowing him, he will be suaver than suave as he licks his lips.


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