Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Police might do an album too?
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[ # ] The Police might do an album too?
April 7th, 2007 under The Police

Yesterday during a Q&A session at his book signing for One Train Later, Andy Summers hinted that The Police might record a sixth album after the tour according to NME. “If we do well with these concerts we may well make a sixth album. I can’t see why not.” Andy, the most adorable member of The Police also said they are working on new stuff for the tour, “We’ve been jamming acoustically lately and we’ve been really enjoying it. We’ll be playing a couple of new songs at the shows in the summer.” Andy was also shocked by how many people wanted to see The Police reunite. “I was shocked I had to admit. I thought we’d do alright on ticket sales but I never expected such a high demand. We were booked to play arenas on many of the dates but we ended up having to upgrade to stadiums. It’s pretty daunting I have to admit.” Even though I am still bummed I will not be seeing them live, at least I have the album to look forward too. That is if they are still talking to each other by the end of the tour.


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