Seriously? OMG! WTF? » NBC says it no longer wants a Revolution with Community
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[ # ] NBC says it no longer wants a Revolution with Community
May 9th, 2014 under NBC

NBC has made it official that the lights will never go on again for Revolution. That’s because they cancelled the drama that had a major sophomore slump. School’s out for Community and it is never coming back. Personally, I wish they let the sitcom come back for one more episode and they blow up Greendale. How awesome would that be? We also won’t be see Fisher Grow Up anymore because NBC turned a blind eye on the comedy Growing Up Fisher.
The news wasn’t all sad over at NBC because we will gratefully be learning more About A Boy. Plus NBC is hungry for more Hannibal.
Still waiting on their fate is Parenthood, Dracula, Hollywood Game Night, Believe and Crisis. Although we can assume the last two can pretty much Believe their Crisis is over.

UPDATE 1: As predicted, Believe and Crisis are over.


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