Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sorority Surrogate is Alpha good!
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[ # ] Sorority Surrogate is Alpha good!
March 22nd, 2014 under Lifetime

Sorority Surrogate debuts on Lifetime tonight at 8p and you don’t want to miss this suspenseful movie.
Valerie (Cassie Steele) is normal college student trying to keep her grades up so that she can keep her financial aid. When her father claims her as a dependent, she loses that aid and now she needs money fast. So her friend tells Valerie that she donated her eggs for some quick cash.
Valerie meets with the woman who helped her friend and that woman asks Valerie if she is willing to be surrogate which pays a lot more money. She agrees to do it.
Jameson and Sara have a lot of money, but they can’t have a child on their own. Valerie is the answer to that problem and the student gets pregnant with their child on the first try.
Jameson’s mother, Maureen (Mimi Kuzyk), is very possessive and she doesn’t like her son’s wife. She would do anything to get rid of her, and her husband, Charlie (Chris Bruno) decides to do that permanently for her. He hires a friend to get rid of his step-daughter-in-law, but something goes wrong. Both Jameson and Sara are killed in a car accident and now Sara’s sister gets the unborn child.
Maureen won’t allow that, so Charlie comes up with a plan to get them arrested and now Maureen gets the baby.
Maureen convinces Valerie to move in with her, and she won’t let her go until the baby is born.
Will Valerie get free or will she be living with Maureen forever? You have to tune into this climatic movie to find out.


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