Seriously? OMG! WTF? » File this under so cute…
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[ # ] File this under so cute…
June 18th, 2006 under Music

Arctic Monkeys have purchased fake IDs in America.

In a country ridiculous enough to appoint George Bush as president and stipulate that everyone over the age of six should own a gun, it is still illegal to drink alcohol until you reach the age of 21.

But rather than accepting their unfortunate plight, Arctic Monkeys – all aged 19 or 20 – have purchased fake IDs, reports the Daily Star.

Jamie Cook (guitarist) said: "We’ve all had to buy fake ID cards for ourselves off a couple of students at one of our gigs. It’s either that or don’t go out and get stuck in, which isn’t really on."

"We’ve got away with it so far and no one’s questioned us at the bar, even though the pictures on them don’t look like us at all," he added.

Naughty boys!…



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