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[ # ] Anyone else over Jeremy Piven?
June 19th, 2006 under Jeremy Piven, TV Scripted Prime Time

ENTOURAGE star JEREMY PIVEN shocked fans at a Chicago Cubs baseball game on Sunday (18JUNE06) by cursing while singing the song TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME. Piven, who plays abrasive agent ARI GOLD on the hit series, was a guest of Cub’s marketing chief JOHN MCDONOUGH. The pair were chatting on the field before the game trying to figure out how to incorporate Piven’s signature line from the show, "Let’s hug it out, b**ch" into his performance of the iconic baseball anthem. They decided to go with the tamer version, "Hug it out, Cubs fans," but Piven apparently got caught up in the moment when it came time to perform. While singing the song during the seventh inning stretch for tens of thousands of fans, Piven yelled out to the crowd, "Let’s hug it out, you little b**ches!" Embarrassed Cubs executives immediately issued an apology, noting that while Piven has been a loyal Cubs fan and friend to the team, they were "disappointed" by the impromptu ad-lib. MCDonough adds, "I don’t know if professional adrenaline took over, but we don’t ever want to introduce profanity into the seventh-inning stretch."

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