Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Geena Davis needs to give it up.
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[ # ] Geena Davis needs to give it up.
June 26th, 2006 under ABC

Fans of Geena Davis’ "Commander in Chief" who’ve been tantalized by the suggestion that the series might live again as a telepic, hear this: According to Davis, the made-for-TV movie looks like a go.

And not only that, she tells us, "We’re hopeful that it will maybe serve as the impetus to do more episodes."
Davis reports the plans won’t move forward right away, however. Rod Lurie, creator of the ABC series, will be writing and directing the movie, she says, and "he is actually shooting a film right now, so ours won’t happen until some time in the fall."

National Ledger 

Seriously, even I am over getting Everwood and Invasion back and they have a better chance than Commander in Cheif. 


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