Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Chris Martin apologizes for cold play on words.
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[ # ] Chris Martin apologizes for cold play on words.
July 2nd, 2006 under Music

CHRIS MARTIN has apologised after telling a fat critic of his music to go to Weight Watchers.

Standing on the steps of his Belsize Park home in north-west London, the skinny COLDPLAY singer lashed out at the woman’s figure after she turned up in person to slate his band
Chris said: “When someone insults you to your face about your music, the first thing you want to do is pick on something about their appearance. It’s a terrible thing but I had this woman parked outside our house.
“I would never say it to anyone else, but she drove me so crazy that I advised her to go to Weight Watchers, which was not a very nice thing to say.
“I’m not proud of it, but it’s weird how if you sort of feel like you’re being attacked you can become a real a*******.”

Sun – Bizarre 


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