Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Depp – “To be, or not be”
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[ # ] Depp – “To be, or not be”
July 3rd, 2006 under Johnny Depp

JOHNNY DEPP wants to put Hollywood on hold so he can live out the dying wish of late movie icon MARLON BRANDO by playing HAMLET in a theatre production. Brando warned THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN star that one his biggest regrets was missing out on the WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE play because he had grown too old by the time he felt ready for the challenging part. Depp says, "Marlon wanted me to escape movies for a while. "So it’s one of the things that keep ricocheting around in my head. He told me that by the time he had got to the point where he felt he could do Hamlet, it was too late. So he said, ‘Do it now, do it while you can.’ "And I would like to do it – although it’s one of the more frightening ideas I’ve had. I think as an actor it is good to feel the fear of failing miserably. I think you should take that risk. Fear is a necessary ingredient in everything I do."

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