Seriously? OMG! WTF? » More proof the Hoff is drinking again?
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[ # ] More proof the Hoff is drinking again?
July 4th, 2006 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch

BEER-swilling Baywatch star David Hasselhoff was booted out of Wimbledon — because he was “steaming drunk”.
A guard led him from the tennis tournament’s grounds after a series of clashes with security staff.
FIRST, the 53-year-old actor had a blazing row outside Centre Court. Guards would not let him in because he did not have a valid ticket.
THEN he was banned from press and players’ bars as he tried to get another drink.
Hasselhoff, who has fought a long battle with booze, yelled at staff: “You should let me in. Do you know who I am? I’m The Hoff.”
The US star had his arm in a brace after severing a tendon in a hotel accident.
He was at Wimbledon on Monday with pal Michael Brandon, star of ’80s cop show Dempsey and Makepeace.
Brandon eventually bought him a Centre Court ticket to see champ Roger Federer.

The Sun 




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