Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This grossed me out more than The Fly
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[ # ] This grossed me out more than The Fly
July 5th, 2006 under Movies

NICOLE RICHIE is reportedly making her romantic dreams come true following her split from fiance DJ AM – enjoying dinner dates with her lifelong crush JEFF GOLDBLUM. The odd couple has been spotted out and about in Hollywood following the socialite SIMPLE LIFE star’s recent interview confession that she’s had a crush on THE FLY star since she was 13. At 24, Richie is almost 30 years younger than the actor, who was once married to GEENA DAVIS and engaged to his JURASSIC PARK co-star LAURA DERN. Until recently, Goldblum was engaged to dancer CATHERINE WREFORD (corr), 24, following a whirlwind romance after the couple met during a touring stage production of THE MUSIC MAN. After splitting from DJ AM, real name ADAM GOLDSTEIN, Ritchie was romantically linked to CRASH star MATT DILLON. Representatives for both stars denied the rumours.

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I know they deny it, but it feels true. 



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