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[ # ] Shiver me nose
July 6th, 2006 under Johnny Depp, Kate Bosworth/Orlando Bloom

That was the aim of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest director Gore Verbinski, although the stink he was aiming for was not a "stinker" of a movie in the box office sense.Verbinski wanted realism.Back when pirates roamed the seven seas for months on end looking for loot, Rexona and hot showers were not an option, so Verbinski ordered his pirates, led by Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, to be covered in grime.Thankfully, tickets to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, which opened in Australian cinemas this week, do not come with scratch and sniff cards.
"I think it was just important you don’t fall into the eye-patches and striped shirts and the pirates don’t look too clean," Verbinski told reporters in Los Angeles.
"They need to smell."There wasn’t a lot of personal hygiene back then so you can have a lot of fun and be absurd, but you can’t quite ever be dirty enough."



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