Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tom Cruise no longer Paramount?
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[ # ] Tom Cruise no longer Paramount?
July 7th, 2006 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri

He’s just not performing like he used to."Top-notch, top-secret Paramount exec, telling yours truly why the studio where Tom Cruise has long had his production deal is very close to not renewing their current Cruise setup It’s looking more and more like Mr. Cruise’s next personal impossible mission is not when, where or if to marry Katie Holmes, but what the hell to do with his career. Not that I don’t think Katie-Gate doesn’t have something to do with T.C.’s negative Biz sitch. I mean, lambasting gals who need postpartum-depression help in pill form ain’t exactly good for the ol’ female portion of the box office, ka-peesh?Specifically, I’m told Cruise’s movie deal at Paramount is expiring in seconds, and so far, it hasn’t been renewed. Nor does it look to be.See, it costs Paramount oodles ‘n’ oodles to pay Tom Cruise to keep his movies there, so they can distribute them and make money from the profits. The prob is, when someone as entourage-heavy and fancy-schmancy as T.C. is the talent, well, let’s put it this way: Paramount doesn’t see too much of the profits.And as it currently stands, Mission: Impossible III has made about half the domestic monies the second installment did and about two-thirds of M:I:II’s worldwide profits. Combine those disappointing numbers with the fact that your star is telling women what do to with their bodies and the fact that it’s gonna cost ya buttloads to keep said mega-talent around, and you’ve got the current boardroom scene over at Paramount. As of press time, Paramount would only tell me nothing official was in the works in regards to future biz plan with T.C. But I’m sure they’ll tell me–in the future–what they plan on doing. ‘Cause right now, all I got is the unofficial version, which includes active campaigning by certain studio big-wigs to try and get Cruise off the lot. What heathens!Oh, and Cruise’s rep told me Tom hasn’t told him anything regarding his feelings about Paramount–or any other possible deal in the works. Trust me, Tom. Take a year off, do Magnolia 2 (and stay out of women’s reproductive issues), and you’ll have that Oscar in no time.

Ted Casablanca 



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