Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How cute is Owen Wilson?
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[ # ] How cute is Owen Wilson?
July 8th, 2006 under Frat Pack, Owen Wilson


OWEN WILSON is trying to keep his mother away from his latest film YOU, ME + DUPREE because he doesn’t want her to see him naked, wearing just a sock to cover his manhood. The actor reluctantly agreed to bare almost all in the comedy but now he regrets not using a stunt double. He says, "I need to give my mother a warning that she might want to sit this movie out and go see (animated film) CARS again. There’s a scene where I come running out of a house naked that I don’t want her to see. "I guess you have to throw it all out there and go for it when you’re doing a comedy, but it’s a little embarrassing to bare all on the big screen."

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Part of me wonders if it is bigger than his nose? And the other part is thinking after seeing the above picture, when is this movie coming out?


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