Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Earth, Wind and Fire kaput?
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[ # ] Earth, Wind and Fire kaput?
July 10th, 2006 under Music

EARTH, WIND + FIRE star PHILIP BAILEY fears the funk supergroup will never fully reform because too many members have different ideas about what the band should be doing. The constantly touring SEPTEMBER hitmakers attempted a full reunion shortly after they were inducted into the Rock + Roll Hall of Fame in 2000 – but it fell flat. Bailey recalls, "When we got back together people had different agendas, objectives and views for their lives. We couldn’t really put it back together the way it was." THE EASY LOVER singer also fears he’ll never perform alongside MAURICE WHITE again after the founding force of the supergroup revealed to the world he’s suffering from neurological disorder Parkinson’s Disease. Bailey adds, "He doesn’t tour with us anymore. He hasn’t toured in years because physically he just can’t do it. "He doesn’t really sing that much… and if you haven’t sung constantly for 10 years, those muscles have to be exercised and used, so it’s not like he’s singing the way he was back in the day." But Bailey confirms White still records with the group.

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