Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Rivers Cuomo graduates Harvard, gets married and splits from Weezer?
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[ # ] Rivers Cuomo graduates Harvard, gets married and splits from Weezer?
July 12th, 2006 under Weezer

Weezer could never make a record again, according to singer Rivers Cuomo.
The band’s last album was 2005’s ‘Make Believe’.
"For the moment we are done. And I’m not certain we’ll ever make a record again, unless it becomes really obvious to me that we need to do one," he said.
Cuomo said that he had been writing lots of songs, but not for the band.
He revealed: "All this year, I’ve been feeling pretty creative and excited, so I’ve been writing a lot. I don’t know what’ll happen with these songs – if anything – I just sort of write them and I can’t stop. I certainly don’t see them becoming Weezer songs, and I don’t really see the point of a solo career. So we’ll just have to wait and see."
Titles of two of the new tracks are ‘Heart Songs’ and ‘Our Time Will Come’.
Although the end of the band is in sight, Cuomo does not want to release a ‘Greatest Hits’.
"I’m not convinced that we have a greatest hits album that is worth putting out at this point. I’d like to include two more amazing songs on there. And anything else would just seem lazy to me. We’ll see, though. I don’t really feel comfortable with it now," he told MTV.



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