Seriously? OMG! WTF? » McPriss’ letter to her fans
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[ # ] McPriss’ letter to her fans
July 12th, 2006 under American Idol 1-5

It has come to my attention that there has been some concern about a photo shoot and my presence being missing from the tour. I want you all to know first before I get into this that I had no control over the fact that I couldn’t be on tour for the next couple of weeks. My doctor shut me down. I was absolutely devasted. I feel horrible for the fans that missed me and would love to make up to you all some how. But first and foremost I must get better so that I can have a great and long carreer. I want to be able to see you all your faces one day on my very own tour. There have been many rumors circulating as to what I’m doing with all this down time. I have heard a rumor that I will be missing the entire tour, I can assure you that that is completely false. I am looking to join the tour around the 21st. That is the doctors orders, not mine. 

I hope everyone knows these crazy gossip websites make up stories to make money.  It leaves all of you in question when they spread ridiculous rumors. Only believe it if it comes directly from me or my family.  If it comes from somewhere else, then it probably isn’t true. Now that being said, I want people to know that I am NOT bed ridden. I’m no longer contagious. I don’t have to be a prisoner in my L.A. home. My management company is still trying to utilize this down time. That includes an upcoming photo shoot, meetings with song writers, listening to demos from all different studios and lots of late night movies!!!! (HEHE to occupy my time) I’m simply not allowed to talk. Please also understand that in the upcoming future there’s going to be TONS of rumors and mean things that people say and do to try and bring me down. Sadly, that’s just the way this business works. Just know that in the future I probably won’t be able to clarify everything that is said in the media.

I hope that this has cleared up some stuff. I’m still dedicated to my fans and putting out the best album possible for all my fans. I love you all and please know that I would never intentionally miss idol shows so I can work on my own individual career. The idol tour is my first priority. I want to get back as soon as I can. I have not said one word in over a week an a half. Believe me, I would much rather be healthy than not. I love you all sooooo much and look forward to seeing the rest of you on tour. Again, I’m so sorry for the dates I have missed thus far. I feel deeply connected to all my fans and am working this week on continuing working on the fan mail. That is also very important to me. Much love to you all.  


Katharine McPhee 

She posted it on a fansite because no one else buys her bs. Let’s see how great her voice sounds on The View on Monday? 


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