Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hoff talks about the bathroom accident
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[ # ] Hoff talks about the bathroom accident
July 12th, 2006 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch

DAVID HASSELHOFF owes his life to a London hotel clerk who swooned at his feet seconds after he accidentally slashed his wrist in a chandelier accent. The legendary actor was rushed to hospital after severing a tendon in his right wrist when shards of glass fell after he hit his head on a chandelier at his hotel last week.
But said he would not have pulled through if an overwhelmed receptionist – who came to his aid after hearing his cries for help – had passed out in front of him.
He explained: "It was really early in the morning and I said: ‘Help, help, please, and I went over with blood spurting everywhere, and she started to faint."
He continued: "I said: ‘No, no, no don’t faint.’ I grabbed her with my foot and I said: ‘Excuse me, can you tell me the number for 911 here in London?’"
David now has his wrist in a cast following the mishap.

The Sun

Is it just me or does he come off as the a$$hole he is in telling ths story? 



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