Seriously? OMG! WTF? » McPriss’ single not selling
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[ # ] McPriss’ single not selling
July 13th, 2006 under American Idol 1-5

Sales Numbers

Katharine McPhee

Week 2

Physical CDs – 27,933
"Over the Rainbow" Digital – 20,677
"My Destiny" Digital – 14,487


Physical CDs – 75,382
"Over the Rainbow" Digital – 48,791
"My Destiny" Digital – 36, 282
Total for "Over the Rainbow – 124,173

Taylor Hicks

Physical CDs – 32,427
Digital – 10,562
Total – 42,989


Physical CDs – 360,106
Digital – 97,135
Total – 457,241

Katharine’s Physical CD totals are the lowest of any Idol runner-up so far. However, combined with her Digital sales, the total puts her ahead of the next lowest, Diana Degarmo.

MJs Blog

Imagine how well she would’ve sold if she did the tour?  



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