Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel Live went to the kids and killed us with kuteness!
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel Live went to the kids and killed us with kuteness!
June 7th, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel

The night started off on Jimmy Kimmel Live: Game Night with 2 year old Trick Shot Titus playing a game of free throws with Shaq. So the tiny 3’0″ basketball prodigy battled out with the 7’1″ giant of the NBA Shaquielle O’Neal to see who could get more basketballs in the basket. Well the awwwdorable little white kid, who can’t even reach #32’s hips, destroyed Shaq by getting 8 baskets in just :30 seconds. So how many baskets did the legend get? Let’s just Titus knows how to count that number and it is 0. Wow that has gotta suck when your a$$ is handed to you by someone who is 39 years your junior and he can’t even dress himself. But Shaq handled it like the man he is, and didn’t cry until the cameras were off of him!
BTW Trick Shot Titus will be back on Sunday to battle it out with Kobe Bryant! The special will air before or after the game depending what coast you live on.

Now it was time for the the regularly scheduled JKL on ABC and it was time to watch the third episode of The Baby Bachelor. Three year old Wesley was ready to spend some alone time with his two remaining gals, Jessie and Gabrielle. Gabrielle shocked him with a stunning revelation and Jessie dug her nails further in to her future boy. And we got to witness the third edition of the cutest thing you will ever see on late night television.
Next up Wesley is going to meet the parents and that should go well. Especially if he needs his diapers changed! Whichever parent does it better, will definitely win his heart and his bum!
BTW if you missed the first two episodes of The Baby Bachelor, you can watch one here and two here.

Now that Jimmy Kimmel live is getting passed the bedtime for this little guys, it is time for a teen (barely one) to join in the mix. Kimmel was ready for his own challenge, and he was going to take on the Scripps National Spelling Bee winner, 13 year old Arvind Mahankali. Well the younger one went first and his reaction to Guillermo reading the word that he was asked to spell was so classic and so cute, I dare you not the smile when you watch it. Now what happens next surprised everyone and it will shock you too and you will get to see why Arvind totally deserves the title that he has.
And you are going to want to see what happened to Shaq happen to Kimmel and let’s just O’Neal handled it better!


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