Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Beyonce fans wants a video reshoot
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[ # ] Beyonce fans wants a video reshoot
July 21st, 2006 under Beyoncé

Beyoncé has been told to remake her latest music video – by her fans.A collective group of her followers signed a petition and sent it to her record label, claiming the current video is below par.The petition said: "The video is an underwhelming representation of the talent and quality of previous music video projects of Ms Knowles," website reports. "The editing causes one to get dizzy and disorientated. The dancing is erratic, confusing and alarming. Her outfits are unbelievable and ridiculous." The single behind the video is a collaboration between the singer and boyfriend Jay-Z, and the on-screen behavior of the two is another cause for concern for the fans: "The sexual themes between the duo are alarming and show unacceptable interactions between the two."

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