Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did The Butler do it for you?
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[ # ] Did The Butler do it for you?
May 7th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey

The first trailer is out for The Butler with Oprah Winfrey and an all-star cast and I am torn if I am going to see it. While the movie based on a real life White House butler looks like it has it’s good points, it also looks like it has some really bad points. For example not once did I believe Robin Williams as Dwight Eisenhower or James Marsden as JFK or Liev Schreiber as LBJ or especially John Cusack as Richard Nixon, so I disagree with the casting. Plus I find Lee Daniels’ movies to be extremely long and drawn out, and also extremely depressing without a happy or a satisfying ending. So why I would I put myself through that again? It might be a hit at next year’s Oscars, but does that mean it is enough to get me to see it? We will see as we get closer to a release date and we know more about the film.


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