Seriously? OMG! WTF? » LL Cool J goes into great detail about petting his lizard!!!
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[ # ] LL Cool J goes into great detail about petting his lizard!!!
May 1st, 2013 under Ellen DeGeneres

LL Cool J was a guest on The Ellen Degeneres Show yesterday and he made an unintentional dirty joke that was made even better by his boisterous laugh!
Ellen asked him about his pet lizard and some how the conversation got to a point that he will never live down. He said, “He has little wood. Then sometimes I pull him out, put him on a pillow, sitting there watching boxing, petting my lizard…” And then he realized what he just said and he utterly lost it. The screw up was made even better because he was acting out how he pets his lizard and it looks just like how a man would pet his other lizard that is not a reptile.
I guess you can now say instead of LL Cool J standing for Ladies Love Cool Jams the J now stands for Jokes because that was a good one!


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