Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Keanu Reeves stopped at LAX for not stopping
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[ # ] Keanu Reeves stopped at LAX for not stopping
August 12th, 2006 under Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves was pulled over by Airport Police at Los Angeles International Airport today for a traffic violation, but escaped with only a warning.It’s not the biggest crime in the world certainly, but anything that goes down at airports these days is eventful. Reeves was pulled over for allegedly violating California Vehicle Code 21453(a) — failing to stop at a signal or, in common parlance, blowing a red light. It happened at 3:00 p.m. PT. The cop did not issue a citation and let Reeves go with a warning.It’s unclear what the "Matrix" star was doing at the airport, although we know he was on the upper level which is for departing passengers.A rep for Reeves could not be reached for comment.



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