Seriously? OMG! WTF? » American Idol invades NJ
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[ # ] American Idol invades NJ
August 13th, 2006 under American Idol 1-5

With "American Idol" auditions only a day away, registration continued Sunday for New York and New Jersey residents wishing to be a part of the sixth season of Fox’s talent competition. A spokeswoman for Fox said thousands of people showed up at Continental Airlines Arena for the first day of registration Saturday, including both aspiring singers and the companions they are allowed to bring. The spokeswoman said registration continued with a steady crowd Sunday and would go into Monday’s early morning hours. New Jersey Transit tried to make getting to registration a little easier, offering extra trips between the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal and the Meadowlands Sports Complex. "Ridership is up," said Joe Dee, a spokesman for NJ Transit. "The ‘American Idol’ contestant hopefuls took advantage of the extra buses we offered from Port Authority." Auditions for the sixth season of the hit show were expected to start Monday at 8 a.m., but no overnight camping was allowed. Anyone who registered for auditions was due back at Continental Airlines Arena by 5 a.m. Monday morning.


Maybe this year we will finally get a winner from the NYC area! 


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