Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Fox News’ Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig are the 2 kidnapped employees
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[ # ] Fox News’ Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig are the 2 kidnapped employees
August 14th, 2006 under TV News

Palestinian gunmen kidnapped two foreign journalists working for the Fox News Channel in Gaza on Monday, a witness and the U.S. television network said.A Fox spokeswoman in New York named the two journalists as correspondent Steve Centanni,(click on his name for his bio) an American, and cameraman Olaf Wiig, from New Zealand.A Fox news report said the network did not know who had seized them but that "negotiations were under way to secure their release."There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the abduction.  The witness said two vehicles blocked the journalists’ transmission truck in the center of Gaza City and a masked man put a gun to a bodyguard’s head, forcing him to the ground.The kidnappers then sped away with the two journalists.Palestinian police stopped and searched cars. A spokesman for Hamas, the Islamic militant group that leads the Palestinian government, condemned the kidnapping.Similar incidents in the past in Gaza have ended with the release, usually within hours, of kidnapped foreign journalists or aid workers. Many of the abductions were carried out by Palestinians pressing a grievance against the Palestinian government or its security forces.


Again please keep praying for their safe return


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