Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Country star Troy Lee Gentry bear killer
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[ # ] Country star Troy Lee Gentry bear killer
August 16th, 2006 under Unadmirable People

Troy Lee Gentry, of the country singing duo Montgomery Gentry, has been accused of killing a tame black bear that federal officials say he tagged as killed in the wild.Gentry, 39, of Franklin, Tenn., and Lee Marvin Greenly, 46, of Sandstone, appeared Tuesday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Raymond Erickson in connection with a sealed indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Minneapolis.Authorities allege that Gentry purchased the bear from Greenly, a wildlife photographer and hunting guide, then killed it with a bow and arrow in an enclosed pen on Greenly’s property in October 2004.The government alleges that Gentry and Greenly tagged the bear with a Minnesota hunting license and registered the animal with the state Department of Natural Resources as a wild kill.Gentry allegedly paid about $4,650 for the bear, named Cubby. The bear’s death was videotaped, and the tape later edited so Gentry appeared to shoot the animal in a "fair chase" hunting situation, the government alleges.If convicted, both Gentry and Greenly face a maximum penalty of five years in federal prison and a $20,000 fine.Greenly refused to comment Tuesday. A spokesman for Gentry said he couldn’t comment.


I hope PETA goes after his ass!


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