Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Who wants Tom Cruise to be their friend?
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[ # ] Who wants Tom Cruise to be their friend?
August 20th, 2006 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri

Tom Cruise has come last in a poll to find the celebrity people would most like to have as their best mate. Katie Holmes’s other half and the father of their new baby Suri is less popular than the likes of hellraiser Jack Nicholson, heart-throb Colin Farrell and Brad Pitt.King Kong actor Jack Black topped the poll for Yahoo! Entertainment. The US star pipped Johnny Depp into second place followed by Will Smith and Samuel L Jackson. Pirates of the Caribbean star Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt and Mel Gibson all took joint fifth place. The survey was carried out before Gibson made anti-Semitic remarks and was caught drink-driving. Jack Nicholson was sixth, followed by Miami Vice stars Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx in joint seventh. Tom Cruise limped into eighth place in the poll with just 3% of the votes.Yahoo! Entertainment spokeswoman Jayne Cherrington said: "Good looks and fame may be important in Hollywood, but Jack Black has proved that in the real world people prefer someone who combines a larger-than-life personality with a sensitive side. "Everyone has heard of Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson but obviously they’re not viewed as ideal ‘friend material’ by people in the UK. "Jack Black seems to be an all round favourite – someone who fans believe they can have a few beers and a great night out with as well as a guy who would be a good listener and a shoulder to cry on."

Daily Snack 

Well if most polls say they are within 3%, that means he could really have 0% of the people wanting to be his friend! He He


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