Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Grant Bowler deserves the Emmy for what he said about Lindsay Lohan!
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[ # ] Grant Bowler deserves the Emmy for what he said about Lindsay Lohan!
September 27th, 2012 under Lifetime, Lindsay Lohan

Some behind-the-scenes footage was released by Lifetime for Liz & Dick and I think Grant Bowler deserves the Emmy for what he said about his co-star Lindsay Lohan. I actually believe he meant everything he said when we hear him say, “Lindsay is excellent to work with. She’s pretty much Elizabeth Taylor reincarnated.” Now even though he sounds like he is being truthful, was anyone else wondering if they were holding a gun to his head to make him say those words. Either that or he is the greatest actor out there. I am sure it is the latter, but I enjoy thinking it is the first.
BTW I can’t wait to get the screener for this movie. I haven’t been this excited since Jersey Shore Shark Attack and I am sure this movie will be equally as awesomely bad! November can’t come soon enough!


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