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[ # ] A blessed baby?
August 22nd, 2006 under Odd

When mum-to-be Laurna Turner went to hospital for an ultrasound of her unborn son, the scan delivered a startling view – the face of Jesus hovering above her baby. The 20-year-old from Worcestershire told the Sun: "I was thrilled with the scan that showed Joshua sucking his thumb. Then someone pointed out the face and I nearly fainted. It’s kind of spooky but beautiful and we will always treasure it. I think someone is watching over us."Partner Dave Meikle, 20, said: "It’s fantastic. With a microscope it looks just like Jesus in a shroud."After seeing the spiritual scan, Laurna and Dave have decided to give their son the biblical name Joshua. They are not, however, expecting him to be born on Christmas Day.

Daily Mail

How freaky is that? It really does look like Jesus? That or the girl from the Ring?


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