Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Gwyneth Paltrow goes surfing.
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[ # ] Gwyneth Paltrow goes surfing.
August 24th, 2006 under Gwyneth Paltrow


She wasn’t even born when her fellow countrymen The Beach Boys released California Girls.But it seems the spirit of the band’s most famous track is alive and well on Gwyneth Paltrow’s current beach holiday. The 33-year-old actress swopped the breakers of her birth place California for some rather more tame water near the home of her husband Chris Martin’s parents in Cornwall.Not only were the waves smaller, but the sky was surely a little greyer and the air a spot colder than back home.Though she looked a little shaky to start, it soon became apparent that catching waves really is in her blood.In fact, by the end of her first hour-long lesson, the Oscar-winner managed to graduate from lying flat on her chunky yellow beginners’ board to standing upright, at least for a few seconds  anyway. Dressed head to toe in a black wetsuit, and with her blonde hair tied back out of the way in a ball, Gwyneth went about her business almost unnoticed on the Cornish beach, save for one fellow surfer who managed to capture these images on a compact camera. She looked in fantastic shape despite giving birth to the couple’s second child Moses just four months ago. The only evidence of the birth was her small tummy which became evident when the black wetsuit silhouetted against the white surf behind her.

Daily Mail

I wish they had a picture of her wiping out. 


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