Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sing the praises of The Music Teacher tonight
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[ # ] Sing the praises of The Music Teacher tonight
August 11th, 2012 under Hallmark

Tonight at 9p on Hallmark Annie Potts plays The much loved Music Teacher Alyson Daley whose after school activity has just been cut eliminated to budgetary cuts. When her first students hear the sad news, they decide to hold a fundraiser to raise enough money to keep her program alive. Her former students include a nerd turn huge television star, a bad boy turn politician, a teen mom whose daughter goes to the same high school now, a couple that got together because of the teacher and a struggling Broadway actress. Once they are all reunited they learn more about themselves and all of them will come out stronger because of it. But will it be enough to keep Mrs. Daley’s program alive?
Tune in for a sweet story that will make your Saturday sound a little more beautiful. On that note the harmonious tunes are available on Amazon for your to own to listen to after the credits roll.
When it comes to casting I can’t think of a better actress to play Alyson Daley than Annie Potts because who doesn’t love the fiery red head?


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