Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Do Donnie Wahlberg and Jennifer Espisito have something to tell us?
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[ # ] Do Donnie Wahlberg and Jennifer Espisito have something to tell us?
August 6th, 2012 under NKOTB

Jennifer Espisito Tweeted this picture of Donnie Wahlberg and her touching lips with “ut oh” written on the bottom of the frame and I wonder if the Blue Bloods co-stars have something to tell us? Before you NKOTBers have a fit, the former-Mrs Bradley Cooper later Tweeted, “no, we are just goofing around. I love my partner.” Even though they are not getting it on when the cameras aren’t rolling, anyone else kind of want to see Danny and Jackie hook up on the CBS cop show? I know Danny is married, but the two of them have a chemistry that just calls for it.


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