Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Boehner Baby is the must have doll for every little girl
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[ # ] Boehner Baby is the must have doll for every little girl
July 13th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel

Are you sick of your little girl asking you to buy her doll when ever you go to the toy store even though you got her one a week ago and she has already stopped paling with it? Do you want to break of her of that costly habit? Then you need to buy her Boehner Baby that was showcased on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night. It is the doll to end all dolls. Just like John Boehner, he cries and cries and cries until your daughter is drenched with his tears. She will be so wet that she will never want another doll again. Just make sure she isn’t playing in a room that is sealed tight because there have been incidents of accidental drownings due to him crying so much.
So run out to Walgreens now to pick one up because they are going fast. And you don’t want to cry like John Boehner if they are sold out.
BTW coming soon the Fergie Boom Boom Pee doll to help little girls become Big Girls Who Don’t Cry when they wet the pull-ups.


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