Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Fox moves Take Me Out to a date night
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[ # ] Fox moves Take Me Out to a date night
July 3rd, 2012 under Fox

Fox is moving Take Me Out from it’s Thursday slot to the dreaded Saturday night after this week according to The Futon Critic. Can I say the news is a surprise? Not really because it just wasn’t that good. The guys were not up to par for the women and there was just nothing to it. Bring a guy out, have the women say if they are interested or not just by his entrance. If the girls are still interested; then you watch a video where he describes himself and he always a says a deal breaker. Next up is his special talent and that is when the numbers drop to such a small amount, he then says who he wants to date. Besides the crappy premise there were too many women and you didn’t get to know them and why tfoxhe guy chose one for his match. Seriously did they need 30 women? Guess not.


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