Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Craig Ferguson does his show by the light of a robot’s eyes!
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[ # ] Craig Ferguson does his show by the light of a robot’s eyes!
June 28th, 2012 under Craig Ferguson

Now before I start this post about how Craig Ferguson did The Late Late Show his show without power yesterday, I have to tell you what happened to me as a I watching the video and preparing to write. So I went to CBS’s YouTube page to watch the clips from last night’s show to see which was worthy to include and the videos wouldn’t play. So then I went to to check it out there and my computer shut down half way through the first one. I then realized that power cord was not plugged in and battery ran out of juice. OK, now I am completely creeped out by the irony of what happened. Seriously how weird is that?
Actually at this point there isn’t much for me to post about The Late Late Show not paying their electricity bill because I pretty much told you the gist of it in the first sentence? What I can tell you this is not the first time he has done his show in the dark, in 2009 a wind storm caused him to do his CBS talk show the same way. No wonder he negotiated for a better studio in his new contract, but what will he complain about when he is in it???


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