Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Make the choice to watch The Choice tonight, you won’t regret it
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[ # ] Make the choice to watch The Choice tonight, you won’t regret it
June 7th, 2012 under Fox

Fox is all about finding love tonight, in a way only this network can.
At 8p Take Me Out has 30 women vying for one man. When he walks out, we find out if it is love at first sight for them. If there is, then they keep their light on. If not he has to talk about himself and they decide if he is still for them. If there is still at least 2 woman who are interested then we get to know a little more about him. Finally if there is more than woman who has her light on for him, then he decides who he wants to go on a date with. Then they are off and the following week they will talk about how it went. I know that kind sounds of boring, but the women look like the should be on Jersey Shore and the guys are duds. There are two guys who go him with no dates and when you watch the show, you will totally see why. It is like where did they find those losers for these women.
If you haven’t enough cheesy love for the night then you must must must watch The Choice. It is the best thing to happen to television since Dance Moms. Four celebrities will be sitting in chairs and a woman will come out and tell them why she should choose her. If they like what they hear, they turn around. If not, oh well. Once they turn around, she decides which of the ones that chose her she wants. After each of the celebs has three possible dates, then they go to a speed round and one of the potential lovers is eliminated. Then there were two and now they have to answer the same question poised from the star. Once they are done the actor picks who they are going home with.
During tonight’s season premiere Jason Cook, Romeo, Pauly D and Jeremy Bloom all duke it to go on date. The best moment comes when after the guys turn around a contestant says she is a virgin and one of them wants to turn around again.
This show is so fast paced and fun and cheesy, that I absolutely love it. It was even better than I thought it would be and let’s be real, we all knew it was going to be all kinds of awesome. So make sure to watch it because this is what reality television is all about.


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