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[ # ] Motherhood not agreeing with Katie Holmes?
September 4th, 2006 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri

Bags under her eyes and looking dazed, even Hollywood superstars cannot avoid the harsh realities of first time motherhood.So as Katie Holmes made her way to a Los Angeles hotel for a relaxing, full-body massage, she looked to have the weight of the world on her hunched shoulders.Struggling out of a chauffeur-driven car, and into the exclusive Beverly Hills Hotel, the stress of the past five months was evident for all to see.Despite doing her utmost to hide her bleary-eyed face behind an oversize designer handbag, the 27-year-old actress, who gave birth to her daughter Suri in April, could not avoid the harsh glare of the photographers’ flashbulbs.Wearing a pale pink shirt and her hair worn long, she plodded wearily into the hotel’s luxury spa suite for a £120 massage and facial.There are, of course, several possibilities accounting for Miss Holmes’ pained expression – all largely relating to her fiancee, Tom Cruise.Whether Miss Homes’ slightly glum expression can be attributed to the faith’s vehement outlawing of all anti-depressants to treat post-natal depression, is unknown.

Daily Mail

Maybe this is why Tom appologized to Brooke Sheils because he is see what Katie is going through? 


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