Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A baby Panda born in Atlanta
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[ # ] A baby Panda born in Atlanta
September 6th, 2006 under Animals

The unbearable wait is over for Zoo Atlanta: Lun Lun the giant panda has delivered her first cub. The nearly furless baby, about the size of a stick of butter, was born just before 5 p.m. Wednesday.Early indications were that the cub, one of Panda keepers will remain on watch for as long as 24 hours to see if the new panda, which is estimated to weigh just 4 ounces, has a twin. Fifty percent of panda births result in twin cubs.If it survives, the new cub would be just the fifth to be born and raised successfully in a U.S. zoo.The historic birth represents a significant achievement for the critically endangered panda species and Zoo Atlanta, and ends years of disappointment over the inability of Lun Lun, 9, and the male Yang Yang to mate naturally and procreate.The baby’s sex is not known, and might not be for weeks, until Lun Lun (pronounced "loon loon") lets zookeepers get a look at it. Zoo policy is not to intervene in maternal care unless something goes wrong.It will be three to four months before the cub can be seen by the public.only a few ever to be born in the United States, is healthy and being cared for by its mother.


Too cute not to share! 


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