Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Fringe shows us the future and it’s freakin’ awesome
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[ # ] Fringe shows us the future and it’s freakin’ awesome
April 20th, 2012 under Fox

Tonight at 9p on Fox it is the year 2035 on Fringe and the Watchers are ruling our world.
In 2015, the Watchers stopped watching and took over. Several people fought against them and lost their lives. Those who survived became known as the Natives. The Fringe Division tried to defeat the Watchers and lost; and now they are relegated to policing the Natives. Not all of those who remained were against the Watchers and those people were marked and known as the Loyalists. The survivors seemed to have accepted their fates, that is until someone from the past was discovered in Amber and totally changes things.
For the first time since before they started the alternate worlds, I am thoroughly excited to see what happens next on Fringe. I know people like the show with the different worlds, but I think after tonight’s episode they will love Fringe even more. I just hope that this game changer is not too little, too late. Because I seriously think if the producers introduced the storyline earlier in the season, their ratings would be a lot higher and they would have a brighter future with even more Watchers….


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