Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Oh mama, tonight’s Lost Girl is just that good!
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[ # ] Oh mama, tonight’s Lost Girl is just that good!
April 9th, 2012 under Syfy

Tonight is the season finale of Lost Girl on Syfy at 10p and we find out the answer to question that has been asked all season long. Dyson reveals to Bo who her mother is and that reveal will change everything between them. Which will be good for him because something happens to him that will change things between Bo and him permanently. But I am getting ahead of myself.
Bo’s mother is just who you expect, but you will have to watch to find out if you are right. Now that she knows who her mother is, she will confront her and she isn’t going to like everything she is hears. Besides having a major conflict with her mother, there is a major battle going on between light and dark Fae. That crisis sets thing up for season two that starts next Monday on Syfy, so you won’t have to wait to long to find out what happens.
Tune in for an exciting episode that will have you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.


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