Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Wanna Be Starting Something Glee?
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[ # ] Wanna Be Starting Something Glee?
January 26th, 2012 under Glee

On Tuesday Glee is going to take on Michael Jackson and today Fox released a sneak peek of the full performance video for Wanna Be Something. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t concentrate on the song because all I could think of is WTF is Chris Colfer wearing? Between the full leather outfit and the fur hat, I didn’t have a place to be distracted from how horrible that outfit was from head to toe. That was until I saw Darren Criss doing the King of Pop’s signature move of grabbing his crotch. But unlike Jackson, Criss looked like a woman pleasuring herself in a porn video. Doesn’t he?
Now that I think about Glee should’ve released a different song because the episode has just been ruined for me.


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