Seriously? OMG! WTF? » For those of you wondering how Anderson Cooper landed the Jolie interview???
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[ # ] For those of you wondering how Anderson Cooper landed the Jolie interview???
June 16th, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, TV News

Drudge might have the answer….

There’s loud chatter among industry insiders that the $4 million deal PEOPLE Mag’s editor Larry Hackett cut with Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt for their baby pictures extended to CNN, also part of the TIME WARNER family.

Insiders say this was a "package deal" done in conjunction with CNN, which is how Anderson Cooper "secured" the first interview with Jolie [set to air next week.]

News executives are scratching their heads over CNN practicing checkbook journalism. 


Seriously, I could not believe Anderson was willing to do an interview that was not about him being the story…but I guess he had no choice. And I sincerely doubt he is going to get anything good from her. It will be all about her efforts in Africa and maybe one or two answers about Brad and Shiloh. Angelina is a million times smarter than Anderson could ever dream to be!


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