Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Everwood’s Treat William and Greg Berlanti together again!!!
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[ # ] Everwood’s Treat William and Greg Berlanti together again!!!
September 26th, 2006 under Treat Williams

New Brothers & Sisters show-runner Greg Berlanti is already making good on his pledge to lure some of his Everwood faves to his new gig. An ABC source confirms that Treat Williams will play a love interest to Sally Field’s recently-widowed matriarch in late October. As of now, Williams is booked for one episode, but I’m told his stay could be extended.

Michael Ausiello 

OMG! I am so happy these two are working and they are working together like Brothers. But now I will have watch this show because Treat is going to be on it, and to be honest the show does nothing for me.


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