Seriously? OMG! WTF? » No wonder Kim Kardashian split from Kris Humphries, his life isn’t an open book like hers?
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[ # ] No wonder Kim Kardashian split from Kris Humphries, his life isn’t an open book like hers?
December 9th, 2011 under The Kardashians

Kris Humphries did his first interview on Good Morning America today since his soon-to-be-ex-wife Kim Kardashian filed for divorce after 72 whole days of marriage and it looks like we might know why they split up. The basketball player knows how to keep his private life private, something the Kardashians don’t because we know more about them than we know about our own close relatives. They leave nothing sacred which is something I hope they learn how to do like the ex-Kardashian does. No matter how many times the interviewer asked him about his short publicized marriage he kept saying he wants to move forward, play basketball and focus on his foundation. He just didn’t want to go into details about what wrong or bad mouth his ex-in-laws. You can’t blame the interviewer for trying.
Even though I respect Humphries for not saying too much, as a blogger I wish he would’ve said what he really thought about his ex-family. Maybe once the divorce is finalized he will slam dunk them.


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