Seriously? OMG! WTF? » GMA’s Diane Sawyer lands the first Mel Gibson interview
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[ # ] GMA’s Diane Sawyer lands the first Mel Gibson interview
October 6th, 2006 under Mel Gibson, TV News

SO guess who snagged the very first exclusive with booze-loving, Jew- nonloving Mel Gibson? Everyone wanted it. Television reporters from as far away as downtown Kazakhstan vied for it. Diane Sawyer, who lets no grass and no interview grow under her feet, nailed it. You absolutely must admire that lady. The interview was done earlier this week in Los Angeles, which is why she’s been "on assignment" and away from her New York seat on "GMA" this week. Should pull a nifty rating, and it will air in two parts next week, Thursday and Friday.

Cindy Adams 

GMA also had the first interview with him after he made his homphobic comments almost 15 years ago. I hope Diane Sawyer asks him some tough questions, but I am sure she will be kissing his a$$ and will go there, but not go there. I think the only show that could really take him on is The View!

UPDATE: The interview is not about Mel Gibson’s antics, but his movie

"Diane has had the Mel Gibson interview locked up for months… before the drunk driving episode. The interview is actually pegged to Mel’s new movie, Apocalypto," an ABCer says…


I hope she has the balls to still focus on that night.


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