Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did Atlantic kill Weird Al’s “You’re Pitiful”?
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[ # ] Did Atlantic kill Weird Al’s “You’re Pitiful”?
October 9th, 2006 under Music

Bosses at Atlantic records put the kibosh on Weird Al Yankovic’s send-up of James Blunt’s runaway hit “You’re Beautiful.” Yankovic says he actually got permission from Blunt to sing the parody “You’re Pitiful” — but the suits at Blunt’s label wouldn’t hear of it. “It was originally supposed to be the lead single on [his new album] ‘Straight Outta Lynwood’,” Yankovic told Ain’ “James had given it his blessing and we had a release date set, and then his label found out about it and told me that I couldn’t release the parody on my album under any circumstances. Now, I always respect the wishes of artists, but since it was just a bunch of suits — who were going against their own artist’s wishes, mind you — I had no problem offering the song as a free download on It was a viral worldwide hit within a few days.”


That is so wrong, that is song is one of the most annoying songs of the year and so deserves to parodied. If you want to hear Weird Al’s version, you can do so at his MySpace!


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