Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hugh Jackman and Jimmy Fallon get each other wet!
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[ # ] Hugh Jackman and Jimmy Fallon get each other wet!
October 7th, 2011 under Hugh Jackman, Jimmy Fallon

Hugh Jackman was on Late Night yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged him to a game of Water War. Never heard of it? Well the rules are like War, but when you lose a hand the winner throws a glass of water on you. If you deal war, the loser gets a pitcher of water dumped on them. And at the end of the game, the loser gets sprayed by the cannon of all water guns. In other words by the end of the game you will be soaking wet.
While things might not work out so well for them, it works out smashingly for us because I found myself in hysterics.
Seriously Jimmy Fallon, I beg you to add that to every show because that was the most stupidest and most brilliant things I have ever seen on TV!!! So sit back and enjoy two men act like kids and get all wet!!!


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