Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Heather Mills claims that Paul McCartney physically abused her?
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[ # ] Heather Mills claims that Paul McCartney physically abused her?
October 17th, 2006 under Paul McCartney/Heather Mills

Heather Mills is accusing her estranged husband Paul McCartney of repeated violence against her. Explosive court papers lodged by her lawyers in their £1billion divorce battle portray him as a ‘vindictive’ man who once tried to choke her and even attacked her while she was pregnant. Last night, Sir Paul’s spokesman refused to comment on the allegations, but it is understood he denies them and that they will be fiercely contested in court. In an extraordinary escalation of their dispute, Miss Mills claims in the documents that the ex-Beatle: Subjected her to four violent attacks, including one in which he stabbed her in the arm with a broken wine glass. Continued to use illegal drugs and drink excessively, despite promises made before they married. Hurled abuse at his wife, calling her an ‘ungrateful bitch’. Tried to prevent her breastfeeding, saying: ‘They are my breasts.’ Made her cancel a crucial operation because it interfered with his holiday plans. Objected ‘vociferously’ when she asked to buy an antique bedpan to save her crawling to the toilet at night. In the papers, which will form the basis of her bid for a share of Sir Paul’s estimated £1billion fortune, she claims he became ‘physically violent’ and acted in a ‘vindictive, punitive manner’ towards her. A series of episodes are described in which she alleges he physically attacked her. In Los Angeles, in November 2002, the papers say, he ‘grabbed her by the neck and pushed her over a coffee table’. He then went outside and, in his allegedly drunken state, fell down a hill, cutting his arm, which remains scarred Later, in May 2003, while Miss Mills was four weeks’ pregnant, she claims Sir Paul became ‘angry and pushed’ her into a bath. She says she suffered ’shock and distress’. On Long Island, in August 2003, Miss Mills asked Sir Paul if he had been smoking marijuana and claims he became ‘very angry, yelled at her, grabbed her neck and started choking her’. In April 2006, as the marriage neared collapse, Sir Paul allegedly tipped red wine from a bottle over his wife’s head and then threw what remained in his glass at her. The divorce papers claim that Sir Paul ‘then reached to grab the respondent’s (Miss Mills’s) wine glass, and broke the bowl of the glass from the stem. ‘He then lunged at the respondent with the broken, sharp stem of the wine glass, which cut and pierced the respondent’s arm just below the elbow, and it began to bleed profusely. ‘He proceeded to manhandle the respondent, flung her into her wheelchair and wheeled it outside, screaming at her to apologise for "winding him up".’ Miss Mills ’still bears the scars of the assault’, the papers say. The papers allege that Sir Paul humiliated his wife, or ignored her needs. After the birth of their daughter Beatrice in 2003, he forced his exhausted wife to ‘accompany him everywhere’ still with no regard to her physical or disability needs, they claim. ‘Forced to crawl on hands and knees’ In April 2006, it is claimed, Miss Mills – who lost a leg in a road accident in 1993 – was forced to crawl on her hands and knees up the steps of a plane because they were not wide enough for her wheelchair and Sir Paul had not made other arrangements. Sir Paul allegedly told his wife during her pregnancy she should not breastfeed because ‘they are my breasts’. He is alleged to have told her: ‘I don’t want a mouthful of breastmilk.’ She breastfed for six weeks, but gave up because Sir Paul would constantly interrupt her during home ‘crawling on her hands feeds which left her ‘miserable and knees while dragging her and demoralised’, the papers wheelchair, crutches and personal say. possessions’ to her car. In November 2005, Sir Paul is The allegations mark an extraordinary alleged to have forced her to escalation in what defer an essential and already had already become a bitter once-cancelled operation on divorce. her leg because it ‘interfered Previous episodes have seen with his holiday plans’. Miss Mills attempt to enter Sir The papers claim Sir Paul Paul’s London home with their vomited on himself after a daughter Beatrice, who is three drinking session towards the later this month, only to find he end of their relationship and had changed the locks. staggered home drunk and He also allegedly froze their slurring, demanding his dinner. joint bank account.

This is London

You can read the Heather Mill’s court papers at The Daily Mail.
How crazy is she to make the claim that one of the most loved men in world abused her?


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