Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What kids think the V in the Summer’s Eve “Hail to the V” ad means?
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[ # ] What kids think the V in the Summer’s Eve “Hail to the V” ad means?
July 19th, 2011 under Jimmy Kimmel

Over the weekend theaters around the country showed the commercial for Summer’s Eve “Hail to the V” during the final Harry Potter and it left kids asking their parents what does the V stands for? So Jimmy Kimmel Live took their cameras to the streets of Hollywood and asked kids what they think the V is. Us adults know that the V is for vajayjay, but as you can see the hilariously cute video above, kids thought it meant something completely different! So precious!
I have to admit when I posted the commercial yesterday, it never occurred that children would be asking their parents what the V meant. I feel bad for all those parents who had to come up with a quick answer for their little ones. And I am wondering how many of them told their offspring that is where they came out from? Then I ponder once the child gets past wondering what the V is, if they want to know what Summer’s Eve used. I would rather tell talk to them about the V than that!!!
Kudos for JKL for doing a Man, I mean Kid on the Street segment about it!!!


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